Monday, May 18, 2009

8 weeks? C-R-A-Z-Y!!!

That's it...8 weeks until due date! At my last appointment, I measured 33 weeks verses the 30 weeks that I should've been measuring. This doesn't mean Emrick will come 3 weeks early, it just means he will be big!!! I am definitely getting excited, but the hormones are beginning to hit as well...I'm actually beginning to clean a little, and also freak out about how in the world I'm going to do everything and fulfill all the expectations of a mom and a wife once he gets here...a little overwhelming!!! I know that God will continue to bless and lead us through this though! I've put some pictures below so you can compare belly growth...but everyone knows this isn't my favorite part, so be nice on the comments!!!
Also, don't forget to be praying for Jonathan and his teammates in Eleuthera...that's in the Bahamas. I know they are working hard, and building a ton of relationships!
11 weeks:

31 weeks: